
If stress is put on a system by raising the temperature then, according to Le Châtelier’s principle, the rate of evaporation will exceed the rate of condensation until a new equilibrium is established.
At the new equilibrium point, a greater proportion of molecules will exist in the vapor phase.
He suggests in his principle that by adding heat to water we will create evaporation.
This is because of there being a greater differential between the vapor pressure of the water and the vapor pressure of the air directly above that water.
This will continue until there is an equilibrium achieved again (equal vapor pressures in both air and water).
At that point, there will be more water in the vapor phase (more water is supported as vapor at higher temperatures).
As long as we continue to supply heat and dehumidification, high speed evaporation will continue until there is no excess water.


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The Evaporation Calculation

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  • 9 September 2014 Creation Date
  • 25 September 2019 Last Updated