Eco Design Consultants and Giffard Park Primary School – Eco-Warrior Governor Required

giffard 1Giffard Park Primary School, like many schools, is struggling to recruit governors, especially with skills in building maintenance. A governing body effectively acts on behalf of the stakeholders (children, parents and the local council) to ensure all that needs to be in place and happen to the benefit of our children does, including welfare, education and safeguarding. We act as a critical friend to support the Headteacher and senior leadership team. It is a voluntary role but hugely rewarding working with the school and being part of our children’s and school’s success.

Giffard Park Primary School has launched their Eco-Warriors group to tackle energy use, recycling, gardening and waste in the school and local community. The seventeen children in the group will meet weekly and interview staff and children in order to audit the school’s eco-performance before training other children to become greener. The school as a whole is aiming to lower its energy usage and waste, use more renewable energy and develop a nature area for children to explore during Science lessons. By July, the Eco-Warriors aim to make the school a Bronze Eco-School on the path to become a beacon ‘Green Flag’ school. So an eco-warrior governor would be welcome.

If you’d like to find more out more about being a governor your local authority will be able to answer your question or if you live in Milton Keynes contact