We are looking for a Retrofit Advisor and Assessors to join our People Powered Retrofit service - AECB

Carbon Co-op is an award-winning and fast-growing energy services and advocacy cooperative that helps people and communities to make the radical reductions in home carbon emissions necessary to avoid runaway climate change. 

People Powered Retrofit is our end-to-end retrofit service for householders in the Greater Manchester area and beyond. We deliver a range of support services for clients as well as developing retrofit software products and contractor training. Operating as a pilot since 2019, the service is preparing to expand and further commercialise.

The Retrofit Advisor role and Retrofit Advice are defined and outlined under PAS2035, the standard highlights the role of effective advice in creating good retrofit outcomes that meet the needs of householders.

The Retrofit Advisor is the first point of contact for householders, setting expectations, signposting and helping orientate clients. Advice offered to the client before, during and after the retrofit is broad and includes information in advance about the process, guidance on how they might evaluate retrofit improvement options, how they might select measures, how retrofit design is required, at what stage and who should to carry it out, procurement options and the operation and maintenance of installed measures after retrofit. Advisors do not offer technical advice or carry out services but instead enable householders to make effective decisions in a timely manner. Find out more and how to apply here.

We are also adding to our bank of Retrofit Assessors for People Powered Retrofit to meet the needs of our existing householder clients. They are  contracted at a pre-agreed rate for a pre-agreed number of assessments.

Assessors are the public face of People Powered Retrofit , they meet householders and spend a number of hours in their homes, asking them personal questions and investigating every room in their house. 

As well as collecting quantitative data on home energy and fabric, they also collect qualitative  data on householders’ energy related behaviours, preferences and future plans for their homes. They then use this hard and soft data to formulate a high quality report tailored to householders’ individual plans and preferences. Assessors need to be able to put householders at their ease and appropriately answer any questions posed. Find out more and how to apply here.

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