This webinar will be an exploration of whether the energy and carbon savings made through retrofitting homes compensates for the embodied energy and carbon expended in the new materials used, based on Lois’ recently completed PhD thesis.
Life cycle analysis (LCA) has become a well-known phrase and the approach is increasingly used for decision making in construction projects. However, are the methods in use serving the needs of the retrofit? Or even answering the questions we should be asking? My thesis takes a step back, and asks whether the methods and data being used are fit for purpose? Are users aware of the uncertainties present in LCA? What might we be missing by focussing on carbon LCA but not really considering energy? Is the embodied impact really a function of the operating impact? And why does retrofit LCA need to be different to new-build LCA?
With 26 million retrofits on the cards for the UK alone, it is imperative that the right decisions are made, and this can only be achieved through meaningful analysis, by asking the right questions, and finding answers using appropriate and robust data.
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