Easy to use software to help with PHPP calculations

Users of the PHPP energy software will know it is a leader in accurate calculations for Passivhauses and low energy buildings including retrofits. AECB PHribbon makes using PHPP quicker, easier and it uses the existing information beyond just energy. It’s written by Tim Martel who has worked as a Certified Passivhaus Designer for 10 years, formerly a Chartered Architectural Technologist, a course tutor for the AECB CarbonLite™ Retrofit Foundation course, and AECB software R&D lead and developer.

AECB PHribbon makes the same changes to your PHPP that you could have made by hand. It works from an extra ribbon tab in Excel, just like ‘Insert’ or ‘Page Layout’ and uses macros (macros are already part of some PHPP products). It includes a manual, support and training through videos.

A discount is available if purchasing the PHribbon software at the same time as the PHribbon Course - Please request an invoice from [email protected]


Learn how to use PHribbon to perform detailed embodied and operational carbon calculations
Live, online, interactive teaching, with lots of opportunity to practice using the PHribbon software and ask questions

AECB-PHribbon uses Microsoft Excel as a base

Microsoft have had the facility to add custom buttons on a ribbon (toolbar) in Excel for some time. Tim Martel and the AECB have teamed up to create one for PHPP which speeds up common tasks and extends what PHPP can do. No special PHPP is needed. It is designed for PHPP v10 and most buttons (apart from windows and d-reveal) are also compatible with earlier versions of PHPP: 9.6, 9.3, 9.1 and 8.5. You can also use it with PHPPs created by designPH.

PHribbon - a unique solution

PHribbon contributes something that has not been done before. Embodied carbon calculations and tools already exist. What is new is that PHribbon works directly in the PHPP software. PHPP is Excel-based, making it fully transparent. The software shows embodied and operational carbon combined.

PHribbon works with PHPP to allow users to take ownership and can be modified and updated by the user. 


The benefits of PHribbon

The latest version of PHribbon shows the carbon impact of materials while you are selecting them and offers alternatives. The PHPP energy calculation is used by PHribbon to work out operational CO2. If you want to go back to adjust material areas or thicknesses in PHPP, those changes automatically feed through to the PHribbon side because the links are formulas.

PHribbon is a valuable tool for communicating with clients early in the design process. You can give clients feedback straightaway as soon as the energy model is being built. 

The PHribbon package is available exclusively in the AECB shop

PHribbon consists of three parts : Build PHPP and Embodied CO2 and an annual licence fee to enable software developments and upgrades.

There are also two add-ons available at an extra charge : Daylight Factor module and Costings module.

Introductory videos on the use of PHribbon are available to view here

Watch this introduction to the AECB-PHribbon software to see how it can assist with your calculations.
This video looks at the Embodied Carbon Calculations in more depth.

Users can enter EPDs into PHribbon

PHribbon users can engage directly with PHribbon by submitting EPDs (headline not variations) to the AECB and we will grant £5 credit for each new EPD not already present. The £5 only applies to those with an annual subscription for PHribbon, and will be granted as a reduction on your annual license subscription.  You may submit and receive £5 credits up to the value of your subscription license.


EPDs will be verified by Tim Martel and once cleared by him, the AECB will send a £5 discount coupon to be used against the cost of the annual subscription fee.  (Up to a maximum of the value of the subscription fee.)

PHribbon designer Tim Martel explains the benefits of using the software


"It’s good to start using it at an early design stage when you are considering what materials you might use. As you build your Passive House Planning Package (PHPP) energy model it calculates the embodied CO2 and can offer alternatives. Additionally, as it is working in PHPP, the energy calculation is already in there, and that is used by PHribbon to work out the operational CO2.

You can be working in one package while you revise your ideas. If you have finished your calculations and want to go back to adjust material areas or thicknesses in PHPP, those changes automatically feed through to the PHribbon side because the links are formulas. 

To get feedback at that early stage is useful and it is where you have most flexibility about making decisions."

Tim Martel

AECB Expert Advisor and R&D Lead ○ Embodied CO2 Specialist and Software Developer ○ Retrofit Coordinator
[email protected]

PHribbon © 2020 Tim Martel




Tim is an AECB Expert Advisor
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