About Us
The Association for Environment Conscious Building

Our vision

A world in which everyone in the building industry contributes positively to human and planetary health

Our mission

To work with our members to inspire, develop and share sustainable building practice

Our purpose

To deploy environmentally responsible building practices

About The AECB
The AECB is run by its members and is an independent, not for profit organisation. Find out more about the rich history of the AECB since the 1980's

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Our Team Members
We love what we do, and who we do it with. Find out more about our staff and board of Trustees.

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Members Directory
Find out and search for an AECB member local to yourself, find the skills from regional companies in your area or simply just browse our company membership.

Browse The Members Directory

The AECB's Low Energy Building Database (LEBD) has hundreds of projects and plans for you to view or maybe add your own

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Our Services

The AECB has a whole range of things going on that you can be involved in,


The AECB network brings together builders, architects, designers, manufacturers, housing associations and local authorities, to develop, share and promote best practice in environmentally sustainable building.

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The AECB brings you a webinar programme ongoing throughout the year to gain knowledge and insight directly from the experts.

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Keep up to date with all the goings on and news in the AECB world. Network is a free email newsletter distributed to AECB members and subscribers.

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Local Groups

The AECB has a number of Local Groups across the country, providing an opportunity to meet. Local Group events take the form of site visits, CPD seminars (Continued Professional Development), guest speakers or as purely social gatherings

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Get trained and qualified with different training options from the AECB. The AECB runs its very own in-house online CarbonLite Retrofit training courses.

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Established in 1989, the AECB works to increase awareness within the construction industry and has built up a vast library of technical articles and media resources.

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In a nutshell