New webinar booking now – Have heat pumps killed fabric retrofit?

In recent years, improvements in heat pumps, the reduction in carbon factor of electricity, and advances in consumer-facing flexible tariffs and demand controls have changed the debate on how to achieve sustainable and comfortable buildings. An over simplistic framing is to view supply decarbonisation as mutually exclusive with demand reduction. These two approaches can of course be deployed together, or in phases, the order of which is debatable. Fabric retrofit still has an important role to play, and offers benefits that ‘tech’ alone cannot provide.

Join us for a webinar to explore this subject on Thursday 9th May led by Toby Cambray.

Toby is a founder and Director at Greengauge Building Energy Consultants where he specialises in moisture risk analysis. He is also currently undertaking a PhD at UCL on a moisture topic, is a Passivhaus Trainer with Coaction, co-chair of Technical Working Group 1 of the UK Centre for Moisture in Building – Modelling and Monitoring. Toby is a regular columnist for Passive House Plus and an AECB Expert Advisor. Toby has recently completed his own deep energy retrofit.

Click here to book

AECB members and Passive House Plus subscribers attend for free.  Non-members can purchase a ticket for £35 ex VAT.